The Musical Odyssey of GRLKRASH: Crafting Artistry With Innovation and Unity

Embarking on a journey through the creative realms of music, GRLKRASH, an artist of unparalleled vision, shares the essence of her craft, her profound connection with technology, and the vibrant community that fuels her passion. Her latest single, “RIDE OR DIE,” embodies a moment of divine inspiration. Recounting its genesis, GRLKRASH takes us back to a humble setting - her living room, where the beat of “die with u” ignites her soul to weave a narrative that resonates with listeners on a spiritual level.

“My latest record is actually a song that I recorded four years ago. The beat was called “die with u” and I queued it up in Logic on my old laptop in my living room. I was sitting on my old couch and I just sang the hook immediately after the beat came on. I wish I had a better story but this one was sent to me from God.”

In a world where technology serves as both a catalyst and a canvas, GRLKRASH envisions a future where music communities thrive in digital ecosystems. Through platforms like web3, she empowers fans to become active participants in her artistic journey, enriching the musical experience for all. For GRLKRASH, the underground music scene is not just a stage but a sacred space where the bonds of unity are forged.

“I have to give a shoutout to Underground Violet Rave and all of the events & performances our communities have collabed on! UVR Miami ‘22 was super memorable because out of all the shows I did that week, one stood out for a lot of reasons. That event could have fallen apart but ended up with the community and all of the people around ready to help. It was beautiful to see everyone come together. I also picked up a couple of supporters there who still support my music to this day!”

Navigating the delicate balance between authenticity and accessibility, GRLKRASH remains true to her underground roots while embracing mainstream channels. With a ubiquitous presence across social media platforms, she ensures that her music transcends boundaries, reaching new audiences with each note. Innovation is the cornerstone of GRLKRASH’s artistic expression. Constantly pushing the boundaries of her craft, her experiments with new sounds and techniques, crafting compositions that defy convention and captivate the senses.

Yet, amidst the whirlwind of creativity, GRLKRASH remains steadfast in her commitment to fostering a sense of community among her fans. Whether online or offline, her endeavors to make every individual feel seen, heard, and valued, nurturing a tribe of like- minded souls united by a shared love for music.

“I still stay in contact with all of my OG supporters and invite them in. But my focus daily is on reaching more people with my music and providing valuable content to my supporters who are already here. I try to play the game on Instagram, Twitter, Spotify, YouTube etc etc. My music is everywhere. I’m everywhere. So that allows me to reach new people everyday basically”

Collaboration is at the heart of GRLKRASH’s creative process, as she eagerly joins forces with fellow artists and creatives. Embracing the synergy of collective vision, she elevates her craft to new heights, pushing the boundaries of possibility with each collaborative endeavor. Looking ahead, GRLKRASH’s vision for “KRASH WORLD” shines as a signal of inspiration.


“KRASH WORLD!!!! I’ve been working on building this world for a while. It’s sat inside my head since 2019 and it’s changed a lot since then. My vision for it in the long term is the best creative studio on earth spreading light through all of our gifts. I want to bring people closer to their childhoods and back to a place of purity and openness. I think who I am naturally is very child-like and my spiritual journey has been taking me back to myself as a child. Back to the real me and back to truths that I’ve actually known for a long time but forgot about on this crazy journey. Like the fact that I already have everything that I need. Or that nature is beautiful and healing. Or that if you want more, you have to put more in. I want to do that for other people too. The reason that Krash World isn’t fabricated from my own mind from scratch but from looking around and truly seeing what’s there. The first scenes you see are in a forest with sunshine and beautiful trees. This was intentionally to remind people of how beautiful the Earth is and how good it feels to be in nature. People already know this, but sometimes we need a reminder. “

To aspiring musicians embarking on their own odyssey, GRLKRASH offers a simple yet profound message: Believe in yourself, stay close to God and go hard for yourself. Never ever ever give up. Ever. — Connect with people, love people and enjoy your life as much as you can.

"RIDE OR DIE" is now available for streaming on all major platforms, including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Youtube Music, and Tidal. Don't miss your chance to experience the magic firsthand and stream "RIDE OR DIE" today! For more information and updates, visit

Written by Joshua Sauceda
Photography by Joshua Sauceda

Joshua Sauceda


Josh thrive’s as a versatile Creative Director, adept at crafting multimedia projects, scriptwriting, editorial, directing, visual engineering, camera operation, editing, and social content curation. As a media producer in art, culture and technology, Josh is moved by the internet, modern art, and cinema.

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