Kawaii AF Drops Punk Rock Album Of The Year: Congratulations You’re Not A Sociopath!

Kawaii AF, LA (2023). Photo by Josh Sauceda

This year has set itself up to be a hailstorm for the music industry - from Rap beefs covering the front page of the internet to notorious controversies coming untangled. Recently, within the midst of a long mortifying trend that consisted of dull music across every genre - a dry spell has been broken and this phenomenal streak continues with the punk-rock album debut from Kawaii AF, titled 'Congratulations, You’re Not A Sociopath!’

Album artwork by Tama Kid.

Hailing from New Orleans, Louisiana, this band infuses their vibrant image with influences from anime, manga, and various nerd culture elements. Musically, Kawaii AF masterfully blends the best of late '90s to mid-2000s emo, emo-pop, pop punk, and bubblegum pop, creating a sound that's both nostalgic and refreshingly unique. Frontman Brandon Cunningham perfectly encapsulates their style as "candy-coated angst," offering a sweet yet edgy auditory experience. 'Congratulations, You’re Not A Sociopath!’ serves a compound of melodies reminiscent of Green Day’s Dookie, with clever, quotable lyricism akin to a that of a heartbroken poet.

The album makes bleak remarks to pop-culture, love, and heartbreak with pessimistic lines like “Will you please remind me if the safety’s on, wouldn’t want to be late to the great beyond, over rated or not, I’m gone.” and “What do you feel about broken limbs and limping all around, what you feel about possibly rotting into the ground?” off the ‘Race You To The Cemetery’ track. The album keeps a high pace, energizing, overstrung ambiance that distracts from it’s Edgar Allan Poe-like messages.

Angry, Angsty and Full Of Acne’ competes as a strong candidate for top album tracks, making citations of despair, impairment and frustration - something the general Earthly population doesn’t necessarily ever get over, but turns a blind eye to as we grow older. Brandon hits listeners with a slew of illy spoken visuals.

I’m mad and it’s everyone’s fault, but the killing spree is put on hault, til’ I get the courage to purchase turrets.. and everyone know’s I’m all talk. Lately I have been on edge, and there’s nothing left in the fridge, and I’m so malnourished, I need a burger cause these people don’t keep me well fed.
— ‘Angry, Angsty and Full Of Acne’

A strong sense of continuity and thematic structure elevates the 9 track album. The attention to detail and soundly consistency separates Kawaii AF’s work from other bands in the scene. Where one may be more eager to experiment with hybrid genres, Kawaii’s latest release feels like an ode to a nostalgic time that influenced us more than we would maybe like to admit. The rise of punk-rock was at its peak in the early 2000’s, seeing waves of returns as ears adjust to the revolving door of musical relevancies. As the mold for genres evolve into more hybrid experimental tones and the soundboard shifts consistently, true-to-roots sounds holds a special place in listeners’ hearts when executed charmingly.

Never have I broke somebody’s heart, ripped it into shreds, made it hurt so bad that they wished for death.
— 'Never Have I Ever'

However 'Congratulations, You’re Not A Sociopath!’ offers more than just somber lines. There’s something there that feels romantically motivated in a Romeo and Juliet-esque sort of way, which of course is a Tragedy - but that’s truly the elegance of the band’s writing and composing. For punk-rock connoisseurs, Kawaii AF’s latest masterpiece is worth a listen. After all, it is the only thing that had kept me going during my unprovoked memorial day weekend benders. With an undeniable grip on the underground punk scene, the emo, anime inspired band is on a steep rise to success. You can stream 'Congratulations, You’re Not A Sociopath!’ on Spotify and Apple Music now.

Album Credits: Brandon Cunningham, Clay Aleman, Nathan Pike, Brandon Bordelon, Ricky Haddan.

For press inquiries, please contact: info@ARCHIV3.XYZ.

Joshua Sauceda


Josh thrive’s as a versatile Creative Director, adept at crafting multimedia projects, scriptwriting, editorial, directing, visual engineering, camera operation, editing, and social content curation. As a media producer in art, culture and technology, Josh is moved by the internet, modern art, and cinema.


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