Megan Marcano Turns Adversity Into Triumph With Her Creative Pursuits

MARCANO (Artist); Photo Courtesy of Troy Benjamin (2024)

From her challenging beginnings in Houston, Texas, to her rise in the vibrant New York City creative scene, Marcano has continuously turned adversity into triumph, creating a unique and inspiring narrative for creatives across the world.

Megan Marcano was born and raised in Houston, Texas. Her early life was marked by significant challenges. At the tender age of 11, her family was torn apart following her mother’s brief incarceration, forcing Marcano to fend for herself. Growing up as an orphan, she faced hardships that many could not imagine. "My upbringing. I am not sure there are enough pages to describe my upbringing completely," she recalls, encapsulating the profound impact of her early years. Despite these challenges, Marcano’s resilience and determination saw her through. After completing college, she moved to New York City at the age of 23. This move proved to be a turning point in her life, providing her with a creative haven where she could fully express herself.

MARCANO (Artist) performing at a DotConnector event; Photo Courtesy of Josh Sauceda (2023)

MARCANO (Artist) at a DotConnector event; Photo Courtesy of Josh Sauceda (2023)

This city gave me something that I was seeking for a long time. A place where I can be creatively weird and form my own chosen family tribe,
— she reflects.

Music has always been a central part of Marcano’s life. "I am a healer. Music is the medium that chose me, well we chose each other, to heal my own wounds," she explains. Her musical journey is deeply intertwined with her personal healing process, allowing her to connect with and heal others through her art.

Influenced by legendary artists such as Selena, Prince, and Michael Jackson, Marcano learned early on to embrace her power to spread love and elevate vibrational frequencies. These influences taught her to channel her pain and joy into her music, creating a unique blend that resonates deeply with her audience. The diverse and high-energy creative scene of New York City has been instrumental in shaping Marcano’s career. "NYC creative scene challenges me to push my boundaries and own self-limiting beliefs," she notes. Surrounded by a community of high-caliber artists, Marcano is constantly inspired to delve deeper into her creativity and embrace her unique quirks.

Her support system includes the queer community, the Afro Latinx community, the spiritually enlightened, and the rebels who never gave up. These communities not only inspire her work but also provide a network of support and affirmation that fuels her creative endeavors. Marcano’s creative process is both spontaneous and intuitive. "I hear songs all day every day. Like all day," she says. Drawing inspiration from everyday sounds and conversations, she captures ideas on her phone, often during moments of inspiration such as while showering. These raw recordings are then refined with the help of her producer, resulting in music that is authentic and deeply personal.

MARCANO (Artist); Photo Courtesy of Troy Benjamin (2024)

Her artistic philosophy is holistic, seamlessly integrating different forms of art such as music, fashion, and dance. "My thing is I don’t separate them. To me, all my art forms are connected and intertwined," she explains. This approach allows her to create rich, multifaceted performances that captivate her audience. Marcano’s stint in the fashion industry has been eye-opening, offering her insights into high-budget productions and the importance of collaboration. "It has literally peeled back the curtain of production and shown me ways in which I can produce my own projects in a major way," she reveals. Being surrounded by fashion has also pushed her to explore and diversify her personal style, enhancing her artistic persona.

One of the biggest challenges Marcano has faced is overcoming her own perfectionism. "Perfectionism isn’t cute and it stifles the growth process," she admits. Learning to release work that isn’t perfect but authentic has been a crucial step in her creative journey, allowing her to grow and evolve as an artist. Currently, Marcano is working on two singles, "TAN BELLO" and "IT’S COMING," and preparing for a performance with Queers of Noise on June 29th. Looking ahead, she dreams of collaborating with Pharrell Williams, whom she admires for his seamless integration of music and fashion. Her long-term goal is to establish MARCANO as a household brand in both music and fashion. She envisions creating globally resonant music and sustainable, stylish fashion. "In 5 years, I see myself with all my fondest dreams being true," she says.

MARCANO (Artist); Photo Courtesy of Troy Benjamin (2024)

Megan Marcano’s biography is a powerful narrative of overcoming adversity and embracing creativity. Her journey from a challenging childhood to a flourishing career in music and fashion proves her resilience and vision. With her unique blend of talents and unwavering dedication, Marcano is set for making change in the world.

Writing and interview by Joshua Sauceda

Joshua Sauceda


Josh thrive’s as a versatile Creative Director, adept at crafting multimedia projects, scriptwriting, editorial, directing, visual engineering, camera operation, editing, and social content curation. As a media producer in art, culture and technology, Josh is moved by the internet, modern art, and cinema.

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